Reinventing Brand Measurement

Megan Kent contributes to this new Forrester White Paper which explores the ways CMOs must reinvent brand measurement in the Age of the Consumer. You can download the full report, Vendor Landscape: The Emerging Revolution In Brand And Experience Measurement by Michelle Moorehead with Michael E. Gazala, Sharyn Leaver, Dipanjan Chatterjee, Anna Berman, Kara Hartig, here.

Key Takeaways

abstract-978929_1920Measure the Full Brand Experience

Putting customers at the center of your business means that you must understand how they view your brand across the entirety of their life cycle. Savvy marketers and agencies can respond by building a common approach across brand and customer experience (CX) assessment.

Emotion Gains Respect

Marketers have long understood that emotion plays a key role in consumers’ behavior, but many have struggled to translate this insight into action, especially beyond their function. New measurement and analytical techniques now provide leaders with the tools to help the entire organization bring the brand’s promise to life.

Social Listening Emerges As A Credible

Source For Brand Measurement . . . For Some Marketers increasingly embrace social listening as an important source of brand and customer insights. As vendors increase their ophistication, however, we now see clients moving to use it as a primary data source in certain situations.