Feeling Fresh

Fresh is a cosmetics company that professes to “seek out unique, natural ingredients used in time-honored rituals from across the globe.” Some of the ingredients in their product repertoire are sugar, Umbrian clay and soy – each one comes with a personal and inspired story. I especially love the one behind their line of sugar products:


“Both of our grandmothers used sugar, a natural antiseptic, to heal our scrapes.  Wanting to pass this effective ritual on to the world, we bottled our shared tradition, pioneering the use of sugar in the beauty industry.”– Lev Glazman and Alina Roytberg, Fresh Co-Founders

The lovely story, along with the rapturous sweet scent that spills out every time you open the jar, almost takes the sting away from spending $60 on a body scrub (!)

By weaving stories like this one into their product development, operations, employee training, and marketing, Fresh is effortlessly proving their authenticity while creating a powerful bond with customers. They make me feel…fresh.