My Favorite Books

I’ve read LOTS of books on brain science and the psychology of the mind, but here’s a list of the ones that have been most influential to the formation of my ideas:

Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

Brain Rules, John Medina

Predictably Irrational, Daniel Ariely

The Branded Mind, Erik Du Plessis

A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink

Descartes Error, Antonio Damasimo

Gut Feelings, Gert Gigerenzer,

How Customers Think, Gerald Zaltman

The Buying Brain, Dr. A.K Pradeep

Blink, Malcolm Gladwell

How We Decide, Jonah Lehrer

50 Years of Using the Wrong Model of TV Advertising, Health and Feldwick

The Hidden Power of Advertising, Robert Heath

If you have others that you think should be added to the list, please let me know!